WildCat FM /Happy radio for everyone
you can make Broadcasting station.-2
The technical staff of WildCat FM hopes for the thing that a lot of happy radio station can be done even if it is small to various towns.
'This page targets the aim of opening of the mini FM station, and the beginner who has already operated the mini FM station. Inquire without reservation in mail when there are an incomprehensible point and a question, etc. and the page is updated as understood easily...
'Contents that extend it from a rudimentary thing to a special content to page 150 are published in Japanese and English in HP of WildCat FM.
Machine parts to start mini FM broadcasting station.
Because it is not possible to broadcast if there is no machine parts to broadcast, moderate machine parts is necessary. In this page, it adheres to each equipment and it explains a little in detail.
The first stage. machine parts arranged first
1. FM tuner
2. Antenna for FM reception
3. Stereo amplifier
4. Speaker
Because this output electric wave, it is at least necessary machine parts.
it is machine parts that doesn't become it in case of not being to monitor the transmitted electric wave, and to manage the sound.
1. FM tuner
Though the frequency modulation broadcasting can be received even by the radio-cassette and the mini component, etc.
Sound differ electric wave condition differ judge identify efficient FM tuner necessary.
The purchase of a high-level FM tuner of high-end is recommended as much as possible when doing because there is room in money.
To a well informed clerk about FM tuner because it is thought that it is possible to meet if it visits and it walks ..how many a high-level audio shop..
Please learn the thing about an efficient FM tuner what to is different.
Most of the mini FM station from which the sound is not managed straight : though a lot of mini FM station was visited.
Only the reception equipment at the radio-cassette level, it existed, and it was a current state in an awful place not to monitor the transmitted electric wave.
Because the sound cannot be correctly judged in the mini component and the radio-cassette, the sound said well recently is optimized. There is being sure not to do straight because it cannot identify the sound.
2. Antenna for FM reception
The electric wave of the FM broadcasting : if there is no moderate antenna even if it is a very efficient FM tuner and it exists.
it is not possible to receive it correctly, and to see TV beautifully, even Tokyo is neither everyone nor doubt and in each home The TV antenna of 8-12 element title is set up.
it is a mysterious speaking not to set up the antenna to receive FM electric wave that changes TV and hardly.
sure to be surprised at the existence of the FM station. listening.. FM station by setting up a straight antenna.
Even Tokyo Nakano who has WildCatFM can receive the electric wave of FM station that reaches 34.
The installation such as Yagi/Uda/type antenna of the full size of five elements surely
'the world to the electric wave of your FM broadcasting.
it might be a thing changed completely. As for, listening is not up to now in this (The effort to listen was not done).
How because the list of the FM broadcasting that can receive it was seen in Tokyo outskirts making it if it receives it referring to the list. might?
(Display font comes to see easily somewhat when displaying it by size small (S) of the character in IE in about 11p. )
it is possible to receive it by because of the difference on the direction and one-sided side in the bureau and separating even in the same frequency because the electric wave of FM is near in light.
* FM station to which the station where the mark exists can be received with WildCat FM.
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Yagi Uda antenna /Five element horizontal polarized electromagnetic radiation
3. Stereo amplifier
The thing that the audio signal from the tuner can be accurately transmitted to the speaker is a minimum specification as the amplifier.
A recent stereo amplifier
'the loud sound that a lot of things that may be cheap have appeared on the market though it is not because it puts it out. You seem should somewhat choose the thing that there is room in the output.
4. Speaker
it is basic to choose the thing that a sound that the speaker with high power of expression it, there are neither a strange habit nor dyeing, and is not tired even if it listens how long is emitted.
The monitor speaker is very tired because it listens at long time when there is a strange habit.
Moreover, the standard of the sound doesn't obtain an appropriate reference from the beginning with as for the thing that there is being possible to color in the tone.
The monitor speaker evaluated high is recommended in a professional studio etc.
A big speaker of the problem etc. of the room is put, and near feleld specar used at a position near the ear is recommended, and the near feleld specar with excellent power of expression is being put on the market to not being by each company for the check of severe tone quality etc. Newly, if the monitor amplifier and the speaker are bought, near feleld specar of the amplifier internal organs might be good.
The second stage. machine parts arranged next(machine parts to broadcast)
1. FM transmitter
2. Antenna for FM transmission
3. Sound sending device
- a. Sound Mixer
- b. Microphone
- c. Music player
This is machine parts necessary to output and to broadcast the electric wave.
Necessary machine parts for transmitter and transmitter that output FM electric wave to send sound.
1. FM transmitter
FM transmitter is an absolute necessity to broadcast FM.
Though the transmitter for the mini frequency modulation broadcasting also has a lot of about 1000 yen sold prices to - about 100,000 yen
The thing of price of about 1-30,000 yen seems to be used in a lot of mini FM broadcasting station.
Tone quality and the performance cannot be hoped for as understood even if it does from the price.
Please think by keeping a cool head for a moment, and the transmitter of 10,000 yen is only machine parts of 10,000 yen and exists.
Only the sound of the transmitter of 10,000 yen connected at the end is emitted even in case of being because of the sound of a high-level CD player of 100,000 yen.
if the reception equipment explains in the preceding chapter is arranged, the difference of this sound should be able to be judged simply.
that it can understand the thing that becomes useless even if machine parts that exceeds the performance of FM transmitter is arranged.
Therefore, the machine parts used comes to select the equipment according to the performance of FM transmitter.
The spec that most of mini FM transmitter marketed by remainder how many is necessary for the FM broadcasting is not filled.
it is not in the electric wave suitable for the standard of the FM broadcasting such as the stability levels of the transmission frequency and Quality of the signal.
Because it decides by the performance of FM transmitter such as all the sounds and Quality of the signal
To our regret, suitable high Quality Ot cannot be achieved in the standard with a toy transmitter no matter what it does.
it is not a toy transmitter that there is room in money called for mini FM.
We will recommend the purchase of FM transmitter that fills the spec of the broadcasting standard.
Needless to say, the tone quality : a genuine FM transmitter of the broadcasting standard to the quality and the frequency accuracy of the electric wave.
There is no problem at all because it only has to limit the output with Attenuator etc. for mini FM and to use it by it when the output is there is a great difference strong. The difference of the quality of the electric wave is surely safer than that of a toy transmitter for mini FM for the electric wave trouble etc.
Reference link
Tool that controls strength of electric wave - Attenuator (RF-Attenuator)
Reference & HP link
What is the transmitter with good sound? /
Reason -1 why sound that cat also understands is bad - Chapter of low frequency
Reason -2 why sound that cat also understands is bad - Chapter of high frequency
Reference link
WildCat FM /technical station.
toy's Transmitter/TR-10RDX - What do you want to do with a toy of this "398" FM transmitter ? (special edition /TR-10RDX)
Quality of electric wave in FM broadcasting - What is the Quality of electric wave
Sound that mini FM station has emitted and width of electric wave - Width of electric wave that mini FM station has output
FM Transmitter and Broadcast Equipment. - FM broadcast technical Link's
I will answer advice and the question for the selection of the transmitter etc. in mail. Moreover, the performance evaluation of the transmitter being used now and the measurement request for safety are accepted. if the performance is verified and seen, by he or she how about the person who wants to use the transmitter that I am using at ease?
In this page, it explains a rudimentary thing to start a happy radio.
Therefore, the content of an advanced technology doesn't exist because it explains this page for the beginner.
technical contents such as FM transmitters and the modulation machines. WildCat FM /technical station Please see.
in WildCat FM /technical station , all the technical intelligence that you request exists.
2. Antenna for FM transmission
The electric wave doesn't fly if a big transmitter to output doesn't have the transmission antenna very either.
Please an efficient transmission antenna must recognize the transmission output and recognize the thing that equals ten times-100 times.
that it can understand the importance of the antenna if the reception equipment explains in the preceding chapter is in order.
Many of mini FM station opened recently has misunderstood it for the antenna.
The lead line etc. from the room though it might be a thing of not exceeding electric field strength of Radio Law
This that hears the story operated as an antenna is only an extremely dangerous act and exists.
Because the electric wave reflects when the electric wave is put out from the room and Ran is done, danger of causing the electric wave trouble is high.
Moreover, because neither the match nor the tune are taken as for making the lead line an antenna
The energy not correctly discharged into the space pulls and causes an unexpected electric wave trouble.
When a slight electric wave and the 100m electric wave flies, the television and the other in the range of 100m. the said thing
Please recognize the thing said that there is a possibility of giving telecommunications equipment the electric wave trouble.
it is the best to use the antenna that was able to take the tune from the outdoors correctly for the electric wave trouble etc.
When electric field strength exceeds Radio Law, it operates it squeezing output of the transmitter
Because not the transmission output for the mini FM station but the electric wave is restricted by electric field strength In many cases, ?? though it seems to use a simple antenna . This is a big mistake.
Electric field strength attenuates rapidly when transmitting from a low position with a simple antenna and distance of a jump is not postponed. Moreover, danger of causing the electric wave trouble is high.
As for the electric wave transmitted from an ideal antenna, an attenuation characteristic near the theory value is physically obtained.
The electric wave of 3m/500uV attenuates to the preceding chapter though explains it is physical and followed.
if it is an electric wave ideally transmitted and it exists because there is sensitivity of about 1.5uV for the FM tuner of high sensitivity it is said that the reception is possible enough even by the distance of about 1km.
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Yagi Uda antenna /Two element vertical polarized electromagnetic radiation
Reference & HP link
Brains FM Broadcast LABO
Efficient transmission antenna - Low Power FM Broadcast Antenna
Reference link
WildCat FM /technical station.
Dipole antenna - coaxial cable Impedance Transformer for Dipole_Antenna
3. Sound sending device
- a. Sound Mixer
- b. Microphone
- c. Music player
- d. Device of addition
a. Sound Mixer
Let's the device it that sends the transmitter the sound, and select it by the broadcasting concept and quality that requests it.
it is a thing because the mixer etc. of Behringer, Soundcraft, and mackie are low-priced, and there is a practicality enough that can be recommended. A lot of mixers being sold now exceed the voice spec of FM transmitter.
Please buy the thing of the number of of channel. suitable for the purpose.
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BEHRINGER MX1604 /4BUS,16channel Analog mixer
YAMAHA ProMix-01/18channel Digital mixer
The karaoke amplifier etc. with which the mike and the CD player, etc. can be mixed with a thing on hand
Let's use it enough depending on the device because it is possible to use it in case of being.
b. Microphone
The most important thing is a thing to say the listener very whether tell it as for the message (voice) that you want to pass on.
if the message that you want to pass on even if it is an expensive mike and it exists cannot be reproduced, it is not significant. Let's select the mike suitable for voice in consideration of the sound concept.
The audio shop that can audition is necessary for the effort to look for the mike suitable for the search voice.
Moreover, to express the voice that the mike received effectively, Voice Processor etc. also.
it is indispensable machine parts for the expression of the message (voice).
c. Music player
it is a CD player and MD player, etc.
depends on the performance of the transmitter as explained in the preceding chapter.
The sound more than the performance of the transmitter cannot be reproduced with an expensive CD player etc.
Must it be enough in the machine parts of the price class at FM transmitter level used?
However, neither a CD player nor MD player, etc. who are cheaper than a toy transmitter are not and learn. No matter what the CD player and the MD player use it according to FM transmitter, the same is a thing.
Even FM transmitter that costs one million yen or more because it limits the band though the difference exists in a severe place.
it is not in the where the sound of the CD player of 100,000 yen not be reproduced by 100%
Let's understand the (standard spec) in the FM broadcasting.
Therefore, the electric wave is received correctly ..important the reception of the frequency modulation broadcasting electric wave.. and it is understood to differ by the thing to which it listens.
The problem is caused in the durability of the player if it begins to use it by broadcasting.
The breakdown etc. happen in succession if it begins to use it because of broadcasting, and because the use frequency is high, it doesn't have the method.
Is the low price machine frequently changed or is an excellent commercial equipment in durability used?
When thinking about a price thing because it is a price for which as many as 10-20 low price machines or more can be bought though the business equipment for broadcasting is excellent in tone quality and durability
The low price machines are frequently exchanged or the durability of the business machine is taken or I think that the advantage changes by the idea, too.
d. Device of addition
To broadcast because of a steady sound, a usual broadcasting station 'between the mixer and the transmitter.
The sound in which the becoming it device is put and the sound processor is sent is controlled.
What is the sound processor...??
"Compressor" that compresses "Leveller" that stabilizes volume and sound
The thing of the device such as "Peak limiter" to suppress the steeple value of the sound in the standard is said.
it is a device to prevent
the keeping overmodulation in a standard value as for the volume.
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FM Broadcast processor /COMBINATOR.
leveller /compressor /peek limiter
the Full auto operation
it is because there is a necessity that the occupation band 150kHz that are basically the standards of the frequency modulation broadcasting electric wave of Japan maintain 100% modulation.
An important thing is not in the size of the reproduced sound and is width of the electric wave here.
Electric wave is width signal quality electric wave quality differ change come.
The volume that a general commercial broadcast bureau has output because the quality of the signal is extremely bad for a toy transmitter for mini FM Because the occupation band 150kHz that are 100% modulations are exceeded when trying to output, the received sound is distorted.
Because importance is a thing that the occupation band 150kHz of the electric wave are 100% modulations regardless of
the size of the sound The great caution is necessary because it changes according to the performance of
the transmitter used.
The meaning that uses the above-mentioned thing if the sound processor is not at least used after it knows disappears.
Reference link
WildCat FM /technical station.
Sound that mini FM station has emitted and width of electric wave - Width of electric wave that mini FM station has output
The explanation link uses contents of other Web sites
Everything has been approved with the thing that cooperates and is gotten on each Web site.
Please inquire even this site and the jumping cooperation site without reservation in mail for the question etc.
To the doubt for the machine parts selection etc. if you can clarify what broadcasting you want to do
I will advise with mail.
it is not an audio shop for mixer/microphone/stereo amplifier/monitor speaker.
for in the music store, and an overseas product has appeared on the market extremely at a low price recently.
Though it explained the equipment to do the mini frequency modulation broadcasting above
The selection of the broadcasting machine parts changes greatly according to the concept of the bureau (content of broadcasting).
From a rudimentary question to a special content concerning the electric wave in WildCat FM each staff will appropriately correspond to the difficulty of the question.
Please inquire in the doubt, the difficult problem, the queer question, and mail without reservation.
1 - What is the mini FM broadcasting Station. ?
2 - Mini FM broadcasting station which is familiar in various places
3 - you can make Broadcasting station.-1
4 - you can make Broadcasting station.-2
5 - you can make Broadcasting station.-3