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![]() ![]() WildCat FM /technical station. underground laboratory. of a station technical director BEHRINGER/voice processor ULTRA-VOICE VX2000 ![]()
voice processor /VX2000 test report
The compound machine recently variously sees earliness... Especially, the compound machine that piles up Compressor and parametric equalizers in the mike amplifier begins to be put on the market by each company. As the user, a necessary function is done the component and a convenient compound machine beforehand that can save time when a necessary equipment is combined. BEHRINGER also put the becoming it compound machine of mike/line/preamp/voice processor on the market. This time, an inelegant thing to measure a physical characteristic is
sensibility because it is meaningless, and . in the thing to report on the felt thing of each stage.
ULTRA-VOICE VX2000 User's Manual
Impression this price make feel case steady thing make provide
understanding thing reduction in costs hardship ooze out understand casing
equipment all-in-one design provide rack mount flange detach compete
equipment layout degree of freedom provide amateur reduction in costs
cheap feel have.
Promise of BEHRINGER
Most equipment of BEHRINGER are emitted by each VR is in the above (12 o'clock) like the promise and a safe sound is emitted normal to set (neutral position). it raises it, and as for the switch, VR pushes all upper rows or becomes a neutral the place right fully turned and is comprehensible the desire that it is an ideal, and having also such as equipment such as TEKTRONIX of the measuring instrument a neutral position as the thought of a professional machine, and. VX2000 also puts the basis on a neutral position that has not changed,
and EQ and Compressor are flatly almost and are the settings of a natural
if the sound is good well, anything is good by some means though the circuit design is old according to the manual when taking it in me though there are independent type vintage preamp and merits though it is new. it is at all and meaninglessly because it is the latest circuit design Phonic, that cutting is good does The sound of the amplifier of an old circuit design is : by there is warmth etc. The good one is good though the basis is old though it is new. in the level margin, the amplifier of a certain company is a great difference by not doing the without flinching even if it is possible to enlarge very much, and the paddle sound is put considerably. it endures up to maximum +11.5dB, and the sound doesn't collapse to the limit even if the line output is put in the input set to the mike input in an extreme test either. The preamp after all is useless the cry in the long ages... it is flat, and is why not there putting on in a low region and making it clear
disagreeing of the mike input circuit in VX2000 compared with the mike input of
MIXER 01 of YAMAHA as for all the settings?
Low Cut Filter
The cutting region can select even 15?360Hz and it is very convenient. it is only a sound removing of the voice, it doesn't exist, and the range of the frequency that can be used for music (musical instruments) collection is welcome. However, it is impressed peel off though it is a confused, effective filter. This filter usually cuts truly to take "Bocoboco" and a wham opinion of a low region that entered the mike though it cuts with the low region cutting of the mike and the equalizer etc. of the mixer though there is a thing that doesn't cut to Sharp as thought either. -12dB/Oct seems to be a real thing. there is no lie... Expander/Noise Gate
it is thought that it works too much when using it in the place where a
normal position of Expander as long as it listens with the headphone, and I
want to use a very sense of incompatibility within the range without the
sense of incompatibility in the place around a no bur where a lot of noises
exist when listening with the speaker.
Frankly speaking, NoiseGate cannot be used. I think that this is a mistake or a failure work of the circuit design. The noise called Pts is generated by first of the sound. When listening with the speaker, it hardly borrows the solution, and the opening of the gate with first of the sound is slow and is this additionally noise. Because it is a compound machine, the omission or BEHRINGER I do not overlook it. When the thing with built-in mixer 01 of thought YAMAHA in no effect
is compared, it is simple great Expander of VX2000, it is easy to use,
is effective, and the performance is also steady by the usage. set
troublesome looking like Expander and NoiseGate
it is ? according to merits that obtains the sound (effect) in which the sound of the vacuum tube amplifier is imitated. The level margin of the vacuum tube amplifier that I know is very large though it seems to reproduce the peculiar sound emitted when the vacuum tube amplifier approaches the saturated condition (sound in this side of Saturation) though such a sound might be heard if it is a vacuum tube amplifier in 40- 50's, and there was no Saturation thing in a usual input, and such a sound has not been listened to from the vacuum tube amplifier. Such a sound stripes to vacuum tube amplifier for person who doesn't know genuine vacuum tube amplifier so as not to invite misunderstanding because embarrassed if it thinks whether vacuum tube makes such a sound. it might be interesting because a peculiar effect is brought according
to this TUBE EMULATION usage though it resigns here because the story
that adheres to the sound of the vacuum tube amplifier becomes long if it masters it well.B
The Compressor of BEHRINGER : in the Compressor of feeling though it is made to do. How to work doesn't naturally feel the compression feeling as long as it uses it at a normal position. The compression rate changed if it switched on, HARD RATIO worked in the limiter, and it wanted you for not to exist in ENHANCER if it was possible to say and to put up the limiter though there was no thing that the sound comes off to Compressor limiter with built-in certain domestic production manufacturer and 01"Dragging". the domestic production Compressor limiter of which " Dragging" comes off well whether it is safety though it thinks the sense of security with the limiter even if the sound doesn't come off as how much Compressor works effectively to be a mentally different. it functioned quite unquestionably, and the single band Compressor thought of such sound though it listened to the music source after a long time by the Compressor of a single band because it renewed though the music source was put, Compressor was tested, and it saw. Is ENHANCER a thing that the usage of Compressor thinks for a lot of use
with HARD RATIO to exist?¤it doesn't supplement with the tone control
but ENHANCER might be consideration whose place seems to be BEHRINGER.
Voice Optimized EQ
Severe voice processing usually parametric equalizer use usually provide complete voice processing for make become accustomed use think usually use person ) somewhat puzzle place. it almost becomes flat at a neutral position regardless of IN/OUT. WARMTH at use considerably effect expectation unskilled tuning position boost do become note with great pains filter region put on cut clear voice based on return result. Is this (big pipe voice) There fore becoming the phenomenon, the LOW CUT filter switch has adhered to improve this to the vocal mike that does the bitten usage to the mike as the bass talks in the emphasis pottery pipe when it approaches the mike. PRESENCE
Because a diseased voice becomes listening externals in the
monitor and the headphone of Hi End, too the amateur's extreme
setting is a caution needed for an unnatural voice in the radio-
cassette as long as it doesn't do to a very strange setting though
the boost of PRESENEC can be confirmed by even monitoring the radio-cassette level listening other VR
Opto De Esser
it seems to differ though it doesn't feel in a wonderful level on sound such as "Sa,shi,su,se,so" calling "De Esser" though it was thought that the caught voice level risk was a thing the equipment to control To sound of something... in a cheap capacitor mike, it . "Sa,shi,su,se,so" emphasis.. is said well, and the voice level is also certainly high. However, because a cheap capacitor mike from which such "Sa,shi,su,se,so" is emphasized doesn't exist to our regret in WildCat FM, it is not possible to confirm it for this matter. it is understood to act when De Esser switching on as some filters are dynamic, and feels to have put it on somewhat according to the sound in clear listening at a neutral position. if Threshold is lowered with the frequency setting lowered, it surely becomes a sound puts on. A kind of hysteria noise filter that acts dynamically.
Master-Fader & Level-LED
The level meter of +15dB display is it wanted you to make it to six
points up to 0dB, and because only three lights, the result six point
meter is not useful for 01 of YAMAHA that +15dB how many input margin is
low and 02R by a painful for a moment speaking as the level meter.
Let's see contents.
Operational amplifier 4558 of the output circuit it has gotten on
made of JRC. Power supplies are three terminals, and the voltage is
applied to the operational amplifier by 30V in +/-15V.
The manufacturer of other stones is uncertain though all parts that in the front panel, there is the main substrate to which switch/VR etc. are put up soon are composed of the chip parts and 4558 is used made of JRC.
it was surprised so that the number of parts and the number of IC were more than that of the imagination, and the stone is used luxuriously though it was thinking it is simply made. The price is not truly corresponding to contents. Substrates are 1.6mm in a through both sides Glass epoxy/hall all thicker than substrates of a recent equipment. (There are a lot of about 1.2mm of the substrate of the equipment of this hand recently. ) When seeing back, the appearance is not seen though there was a front end thinking the discrete composition.
As for the main substrate of the front panel, IC of 400mm x 40mm operational
amplifier 4558 and the manufacturer hidden is luxuriously used. The main
substrate to which switch/VR etc. are put up soon is a design from which it is
put in the front panel having done the character type of piece of 44mm x 50mm and
a structural target is thought considerably by completely integrating with the operation part.
document of saeki by WildCat FM /technical station.
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LastUpdate. 2002/01/19
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