'This is "WildCat FM"... 'This Page Contains Informations For Transmitters on The FM Broadcast band.
'Broadcasting technical document and technical experiment and available programs exists. 'All informations in this Page are for Educational Purposes only.!

Performance Broadcast Station WildCat FM  
WildCat FM /Menu

Happy radio for everyone /you can make Broadcast Radio station.

What is the Mini FM Broadcast Radio station. ?
Mini FM Broadcast Radio station which is familiar in various places
you can make Broadcast Radio station.-1
you can make Broadcast Radio station.-2
you can make Broadcast Radio station.-3
- the switch of language. 'A left star mark is clicked.

The thing as which WildCat FM that saw the explanation and the list ...
of the equipment was the same was done when the homepage of the Mini FM station was seen and it saw. ?
is the same thing done with what?
The headphone that takes in the photograph anything and puts it..also
in certain machine parts of headphone.. broadcasting, isn't there difference?
it doesn't make it to the headphones some natures that everyone uses.
Anything is taken in the photograph, it puts, and I think that it is different..
While saying... 
A mysterious thing is written, and put. Contents of WildCat FM...Please laugh.
Strange contents of WildCat FM /relax to pull out. a relax... Nyaaa!!

Mixer 1it doesn't have it. 0
Mixer 2is mixer said with what?Many kinds
AntennaAluminum pipe etc. of material and manyMany
Antenna 1it is serious.2
MDUn recordingsof 24
CDit borrows because it is few.of 20
BDa not counted. about 5-600 pieces
Compressorit wanted itnothing yet.
Limiterit is.2
TransmitterWhy do you feel the romance ?combine 3
boosterthis is Power up2
Amplifier of solidis the vacuum tube a fluid ?0
Link 1number of member increases, it is happy.2
Link 2To selfishnessit is executing

mini FM HP/MEGA Links' 
Tokyo outskirts   Sorry.Japanese only.
The order of frequency. (all japan)  Sorry.Japanese only.

What is the WildCat FM. ?
WildCat FM. bulletin board  (Be closing.)

Dream splinter  Do you know movie ? "the number of waves is embrace"
FM-escaration is visited.

Broadcasting technical document and information and experiment. WildCat FM /Technical Station.

Though the link is mysterious page free.
To annoy it The link of two channel bulletin boards is not wish.
The link of healthy sites is welcomed, Reports are linked with mail mutually.
Please use the link banner below. 
link address http://wildcat-fm.infoseek.ne.jp/ or http://wildcat-fm.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ 
it is large though capacity is a little for the link banner. 

illustration by (rettun).in the design of this cat's illustration, the copyright exists.
The use of the link banner is permitted.
The author's permission is necessary for use.

jumps to the top page. returns to index.

LastUpdate. 2006/04/01