![]() ![]() WildCat FM /technical station. What do you want to do with a toy of this "398" FM transmitter ? /TR-10RDX ![]() The version improved before one is aware, and the sound changed...Nyaa!! FM apprentice was surprised because 10RDX and the sound before were different when TR-1
0RDX that had been brought in was sounded and seen as WildCat FM...Nyaa!!
Judging from the emitted sound, the frequency response is taken, and, then the improvement. it makes it from the telephone before to the thing what kind of thing seen though it is a sound of TR-10RDX of Ver 1.9. TR-10RDX Ver 1.9
The frequency response is understood compared with Ver 1.1 the version before the improvement The ape also understands the difference when comparing it to the frequency response measured before. TR-10RDX Ver 1.1
The characteristic in which it dives for every 250Hz is from a thing to a considerable
improvement of the frequency response in a low region in version Ver 1.9 to version Ver 1.1
when the frequency response in a low region is seen that has gone out up to about 60Hz.
The frequency response of the upper frequency is considerably improved, and 80Hz. It is a characteristic that manages to be flat up to 2000Hz. the MPX signal extremely becomes intermodulation sound that exceeds it however by spurious of the MPX signal in "Yabai" when managing to become a flat characteristic up to about 12000Hz though the sound made "Shaki" is emitted...Nyaa!! It seems that a very splendid frequency response as a toy of "398" transmitter.
The base is seen it is different whereabouts.
Marks are not and have vanished to the capacitor of the coupling capacitor of the
capacity shortage input that became a problem on the page of "Let's emit a straight
sound from TR-10RDX", C1, C3, and 0.1uF, too. The circuit of the input is improved,
in the basis of the circuit design, are the thing and the simplicity is best that puts out
the maximum performance in minimum parts things.?
1. Power up TR-10RDX.
jumps to the top page. | TR-10RDX menu page. | returns on the menu page. |
LastUpdate. 2005/11/11
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