WildCat FM /technical station.
Time Standard

When WildCat FM/technology bureau is looking at the pageThe frequency accuracy thought to notice the thing that the gap of the frequency and the story of accuracy come out well is basic of a technical thing.

it is felt that the concern became dim for the sending frequency etc. because the technology of PLL is multiused in all places recently.

By the way, are you making the frequency that oscillates when the transmitter etc. are made like any ?

Because a standard transmitter of PLL is crystal, need not you match it ?
As for a standard oscillation of PLL, because it has the frequency counter, is just matched ?

....Your frequency accuracy reaching doesn't go up when thinking until what time. !

in the professional world where high frequency accuracy is needed, the frequency might be calibrated like any. Highly accurate..frequency counter with think.

Extra super based on highly accurate frequency counter "calibration" it is the story of the said dimension whether to cost it the explanation here

it is a national standard machine called to the calibration standard a time standard, and the time standard is standard of the frequency of all measuring instruments and equipment.

The first nation standard of time standard is cesium atomic oscillator,
and the accuracy is
}1~10~12 (0.000000000001)

in the second standard, it is rubydum atomic oscillator and accuracy is A}1~10~11 (0.00000000001)

I think that the height of accuracy is understood because the accuracy of the usual, highly accurate crystal oscillator is }1~10~5`}1~10~6 (0.00001)` (0.000001)

in the professional world where a broadcasting station, a key bureau, and other high frequency accuracy are needed, all equipment are adjusted by using the signal of this national standard.

Well, it is a subject

WildCat FM/technology bureau has the equipment by using the signal of this national standard the adjustment doesn't have the frightening thing called a cesium and Lbijum atomic oscillator, etc. though it is.

it has neither a local satellite bureau nor each research laboratories, etc. as much as WildCat FM, and this standard signal is shared in each place and used. ???

Though sharing 1 and the talk fly a little ₯₯₯Why is it when entering the room where the measurement management room becomes the survey a land observation point of Geographical Survey institute when going in a lot of equipment?€There was a television, and I questioned the person in charge of the desire and saw the same here seeing the connection from this television to the equipment with a large scale one coaxial cable.

it seems to do the gap of the frequency of the oscillator and the confirmation of accuracy by this method seeming to have the equipment of the second nation standard (Lbijum atom sending) in this survey a land observation point, and to manage the frequency and time. !
Frequency hift say how many shift after dimension provide how many shift phase level world person in charge TV bureau yesterday shift.

The above-mentioned story is a true story. You who makes it to ? laugh. think the thing that can already be understood though it writes as a column funny story and it saw.

Time for the proofreading standard is obtained from the image signal of TV.
method of taking out signal of national standard of television

All are for a long time as shown in the agreement in the thing used as time for the proofreading with high accuracy standard by the risk each research laboratories etc. including this TV bureau in the color transportation wave (color burst signal) included in the image signal of TV.

Because the accuracy of this color transportation wave uses a cesium atomic oscillator of the first nation standard when putting it on NHK and NTV, it has the accuracy of }1~10~12(0.000000000001).

The color burst signal of TV : with 3.579545MHz. PLL loop is approved by 3.579545MHz/63=56.8181KHz=10MHz/176.

it becomes the comparison frequency and 56.8181KHz of 176 dividing frequency PLL 63 dividing frequency and 10MHz (Make it to a standard oscillator) the color burst signal.

Because 3.579545MHz crystal oscillator is locked to the color burst signal with PLL internally of TV, it only has to divide this signal and 63 dividing of taking out from the television outside.

10MHz becomes a standard oscillator, oscillates, composes VXO "Changeable crystal oscillation machine" of crystal, and PLL locks if it passes it through the comparator by 176 dividing this.
A standard oscillator of highly accurate 10MHz locked to the first standard nation standard of time with PLL is completed by this.

The accuracy of }1~10~10?}1~10~11 is actually still obtained though the frequency accuracy worsens by about one digit because it becomes double PLL.

To obtain the frequency accuracy at the phase levelit becomes a standard oscillator, and, in addition, running of 10-24 hours is needed with oscillate the crystal of 10MHz and 3.579545MHz crystal of TV with stability.

You can also achieve a higher dimension frequency management at phase level that can be done also with the broadcasting station, research laboratories, and WildCat FM way and the method of the proofreading.

The signal with high accuracy obtained thus it is possible to apply in all respects, and it leads to the improvement of the measurement accuracy.

in WildCat FM, the TV tuner part of an old VCR is used without using TV. The image is unnecessary, and smart is ..video.. division only by needing the color burst signal. it is recommended as recycling the VCR that the mechanism part breaks.

The thing made before the age ten N has been still used. However, it is a current state that the lock of the burst signal becomes doubtful by flooding the high rise apartment in the vicinity recently and generating the ghost in the ground wave.

it used at home, and the ghost is not generated in case of putting on this occasion and the strangeness satelite broadcasting because the mechanism of VCR with the BS tuner died.

document of WildCat FM by (technical/B)

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2005/06/14 last modified on 2005/10/15